| Carmelina Calabrese You may recognize Carmelina from her time at Beads Mosaic or her special guest artist classes here on weekends. Carmelina has graciously accepted a staff position here, so you will be seeing more of her. Though she may be quiet, she is a humble bead weaving expert! |
 | Hunter Daum Hunter is our well-seasoned intern! He has been crafting in many genres his whole life, but has a special gift with beads, wire, and crochet. Ask him about his beaded menagerie and check out his super realistic creepy spider hanging by our clock...Hunter is the one person on staff who can literally do everything! (except smile for a photo...) |
 | Debbie Daum Debbie is the owner of Bead Everything. A certified Graduate Gemologist, Debbie has been in the jewelry business and beading for decades. You may recognize her from Beads of Westchester, where she was the manager. |
 | Sandra Dellano This "crafty" retired psychiatric nurse has been beading for years. Sandra is a master at Bead Weaving, Bead Embroidery, Looming, Kumihimo, and Stringing. A wonderfully patient teacher, Sandra is looking forward to introducing new people to our beading world! |
 | Marianne Olbermann Yay! Marianne (formerly of Beads Mosaic) has joined our staff! Loving everything beads, she shares her passion by inspiring and teaching others. Every new bead addict brings a smile to her face. |
 | Kim Palumbo As a draftsperson for almost 40 years...from woodworking to music, being creative is second nature to Kim. She started beading in 2009 with simple wine glass charms. No weaving, straight up stringing is what she prefers. You'll find her here most weekends and every Late Night. |
 | Christina Santiago Christina has only been beading for a few years, but boy, did she pick it up quickly! A natural crafter, this patient and bilingual teacher may only be here a few days a month, but she sure does keep us organized! |
 | Denise Topkis What started as a hobby has turned into a full blown passion and small business. Denise loves creating and selling her own designs locally. She finds working at Bead Everything to be the perfect place to nurture her creativity while spending time with like-minded bead enthusiasts. Denise also helps us keep the store neat & tidy and hopes she is not being annoyingly compulsive in the process! |